Ignoring Your Weaknesses Is The Best Way To Improve Performance

We’ve all heard the phrase “work on your weaknesses” at some point in our lives. But what if I told you that the key to success wasn’t about fixing your flaws but doubling down on your strengths?

If this sounds counterintuitive to you, think of it this way:

If you were a professional athlete, would you spend all your time improving your weaker hand/foot, or would you focus on honing your dominant hand/foot to make it even stronger? The same principle applies to our professional and personal lives.

Focusing on your strengths rather than weaknesses can lead to greater satisfaction, success, and growth. Here’s why:

  1. You’ll be more motivated: When you work on things you’re naturally good at, you’ll feel more confident and engaged. This will increase your motivation to continue working on those skills, leading to further improvement.
  2. You’ll be more productive: When you concentrate on what you’re good at, you’ll be able to produce better results in less time. This is because you won’t have to put as much effort into getting things right.
  3. You’ll stand out: By developing your strengths, you’ll be able to offer something unique and valuable to your team, company, or industry. You’ll be more likely to be recognized for your achievements and to be promoted.
  4. You’ll enjoy what you do: When you work on your strengths, you’ll be doing what you love. This will bring you more happiness and fulfillment in your work and life.

So, how do you focus on your strengths? Here are some tips:

  1. Identify your strengths: Take a validated personality test, talk to people who know you well, and reflect on your past accomplishments to determine what you excel at.
  2. Allocate your time wisely: Prioritize tasks that align with your strengths and delegate or eliminate tasks that don’t.
  3. Seek opportunities to use your strengths: Look for projects, activities, or roles that allow you to use your strengths. This could mean taking on more responsibilities in your current role or exploring new career opportunities.
  4. Surround yourself with people who support you: Find people who believe in you and your strengths and who will encourage you to continue developing them.

If you want to speed up your journey in learning to recognize and aim your strengths, keep them from becoming a blindspot, and understand when they turn into a weakness, you’ll want to check out my 7-week group coaching program, Personal Strengths Mastery, starting on February 27th!