The core of mindfulness is paying attention to the present moment on purpose without judgment or reactivity. By becoming more mindful, you become more aware of both your inner and outer world, and that awareness is the key to unlocking possibilities in your leadership and life.

Years of research from multiple disciplines have shown the benefits of practicing mindfulness. Benefits such as:

  • Decreasing stress
  • Decreasing symptoms of depression and anxiety
  • Building resilience
  • Increasing compassion for self and others
  • Increasing joy
  • Improving sleep, memory, and focus

Whether you have been practicing for years or are just starting to explore what it means to be mindful, I am here for you. I offer group mindfulness training several times a year and provide individual mindfulness-based coaching all year long.

Upcoming Mindfulness Classes

No classes are scheduled at this time.

If you are interested in individual mindfulness coaching, schedule your free 30-minute consultation.