A leader’s behavior influences company culture and employee productivity and impacts the bottom line, making leadership development a critical part of a company’s success.

Successful skill adoption requires repeated, real-world application coupled with feedback and encouragement.

Many companies send their employees out to seminars and multi-day programs and expect them to come back with all they need to lead. However, these programs often fall short of achieving this goal. While the information gained from these programs is valuable, the learning happens in the vacuum of a classroom separate from the employee’s daily working environment, and there is no opportunity for continued dialog.

By creating a framework for ongoing development once the class is complete, you can better guarantee successful outcomes.

Whether you are using outside resources or looking to create a leadership development program, I can help you establish development goals and schedules and set a framework that supports successful outcomes.

Want a more personalized approach? I work with individuals to develop their natural leadership strengths, create more self-awareness, and find ways of bringing inclusivity to their leadership.